luni, 27 septembrie 2010

Sinele si alteritatea

Comunicarea interpersonala incepe prin comunicarea cu sine. Ea nu poate fi inteleasa, explicata i desfa urata eficient fara o raportare la conceptul de sine, pentru ca intre el i lume se afla o relatie directa. Existenta conceptiei despre sine este legata de con tientizarea sinelui i a celorlalti, iar comunicarea cu altii asigura dezvoltarea personalitatii, cre terea i afirmarea sinelui. Permanenta raportare la celalalt i la sine este un element inevitabil al interactiunii sociale. Maniera in care individul comunica cu ceilalti este puternic influentata de maniera in care el se percepe pe sine insu i, adica de valoarea i puterea pe care el i-o atribuie sie i. In toate formele de comunicare i indiferent de nivelul la care aceasta are loc, pivotul central al afirmarii eului este con tiinta de sine. „Maniera in care se valorizeaza pe sine determina maniera sa de a comunica cu ceilalti. Con tiinta de sine este forma de perceptie interiorizata prin care omul se raporteaza simultan la sine insu i, la lumea sa interioara, ca i la exterior, la lumea in care traie te. Con tiinta de sine este perceptia propriei identitati ca i parte a lumii”i. Imaginea de sine comporta o importanta majora pentru comportamentele noastre. Succesele conduc la noi succese, in timp ce e ecurile antreneaza noi e ecuri, ceea ce inseamna ca sinele are valoare reglatoare, putand antrena serii de succese i e ecuri, angajare sau neparticipare, exaltare sau inhibare. Ficher considera ca „sinele reprezinta elementul cheie, esential al comunicarii interpersonale”. Jung considera ca „sinele ar putea fi caracterizat drept un fel de compensatie a conflictului dintre interior i exterior. Aceasta formulare este adecvata in masura in care sinele are caracterul a ceva ce este un rezultat, tel atins, ceva constituit numai treptat i devenit perceptibil cu mari eforturi”ii. Adler i Towne in lucrarea „Comunicare i interactiune”, ne ofera o schematizare a conceptului de sine, considerand ca putem vorbi despre „sinele material”, constituit din sinele somatic care trimite la trasaturile fetei i conditiile fizice ale persoanei i sinele posesiv care face referire la tot ceea ce poseda o persoana. Celalalt tip este reprezentat de „sinele personal” i se refera la imaginea sinelui, incluzand sentimente, atitudini, interese, gesturi, calitati, defecte, care apartin persoanei respective; el face trimitere la identitatea de sine, ce include ideologia i identitatea abstracta a persoanei. Ceea ce asigura dezvoltarea sinelui, a personalitatii, nu este alta decat comunicarea, in cadrul careia are loc o prezentare, ceea ce inseamna a comunica unei alte persoane, verbal sau non-verbal, cate „ceva” despre propria persoana, „ceva” pe care nimeni nu poate sa-l cunoasca fara ajutorul tau.

Intr-un studiu efectuat asupra varstelor tipice pentru dezvoltarea conceptiei despre sine, Lewis i Brooks-Gunn au identificat trei componente diferite ale conceptiei despre sine:
sinele existential, sinele categorial i sinele intim iii. Sinele existential este prima componenta care se dezvolta in conceptia despre sine i cuprinde informatii despre propria persoana care-l fac pe individ sa fie special, conferindu-i unicitate. Daca sinele existential ne diferentiaza, sinele categorial ofera informatii despre asemanarea cu alti oameni, precum inaltimea, sexul, varsta etc. Sinele intim completeaza aceasta triada i face referire la imaginea de sine, evaluarea i stima de sine aparute atunci cand copilul incepe sa con tientizeze care sunt expectantele i pretentiile societatii. Cercetarile efectuate de catre psihologi au demonstrat ca deosebirea dintre om i majoritatea animalelor consta in aceea ca omul poseda o conceptie de sine i ca numai maimutele ar detine o conceptie asemanatoare cu a acestuia.
Indemnul biblic „Cunoa te-te pe tine insuti” capata io alta motivatie : pentru a-i cunoa te pe altii. In acest context,interrelationarea nu poate exista decat prin comunicare,pentru ca ea va asigura dezvoltarea personalitatii, cre terea i implinirea sinelui. Comunicarea nu poate fi gandita doar ca placere de a relationa, ci bucuria comunicarii provine din confirmari. Iar cea mai mare parte a comunicarilor noastre urmaresc acest scop, de a verifica in ceilalti imaginea noastra.

Stiinta de a ramane tu insuti in imprejurari care te depasesc, se invata.

duminică, 26 septembrie 2010

Be Creative!!!The Elixir of Creativity!

What if we could change the world through play?

What if we could change the world through play? Or stimulate our creativity with humor? What if how we imagine was recognized as being more important than what we know?

According to Plato, “You can learn more about a person in one hour of play than in a year of conversation.” Since the beginning of time, play has been an important way for humans to express ourselves, unwind, and create. Historically, humans have used some form of play to act out our stories, experiences, and rituals. From art on caves to the epic Olympic games of Greece, play is part of who we are and how we express our creative energy.

From an evolutionary standpoint, research shows that if we frequently play, our cerebellum (a region of the brain that plays an important role in the integration of sensory perception and motor output) will increase in size. Whether we pursue it through dance, theater, sport or using Koosh balls in a meeting, play is an essential part of human nature and can help us to conceptualize, experiment, manipulate, and build something more effectively.

To spark and activate our creative side, we must be willing to summon a childlike self with a fearless and unrestricted attitude that allows us to take risks, have fun, be in the moment, and exercise our imaginative spirit. Unfortunately, many of us feel inhibited — especially when it comes to mixing work and play. But play is serious business! In fact, organizations around the world are recognizing the importance of play to their bottom line. Take Southwest Airlines, for example. Part of its explicit point of view states that individuals will rarely succeed at what they set out to do, unless they are having fun doing it. We couldn’t agree more!

Having fun through play is the means to accessing your creative energy. Play is an essential habit, therefore, in sparking your creative genius. So, the question becomes, how? How do we manifest play in our daily lives and make it a habit? Ways that we build our play muscles are outlined in our book, Stimulated! Habits to Spark Your Creative Genius at Work and we’ve outlined some of those tips here:

First, give yourself permission to play — what is it that will get you into a “playful” state of mind? Answer that question, then do it! Often times, we don’t even allow ourselves the luxury of thinking about playing, let alone actually engaging in play. Give yourself permission today.

Carve out specific time for play everyday — to get good at anything, we need to build the conditions to help form habits. Play is no different. If you want to “play” on a regular basis, you need to be intentional about when you will play and what you will do. Schedule play into your day as a priority.

Try something new — a new game, approach, a new food — anything that will get you in a “curious” state of mind. With that curiosity you will find learning. Being an engaged learner means that you are willing to take a little risk and try something out. Remember that childlike sense of self — fearless and unrestricted, willing to try new things and uninhibited in doing so. So, go ahead, be fearless!

Have a playful attitude — if you want to be more playful, don’t take yourself too seriously. Humor is one of the main staples of play. In fact, not only is humor a great way to play, it’s good for you! Researchers Shammi and Stuss maintain that “humor [is] a mechanism for coping with daily stressors.” What’s not to like about that?

Get lost in daydreaming — did you know that psychologists estimate that one-third to one-half of a person’s thoughts while awake are daydreams? That’s a lot of daydreaming going on! So, why not make the most of that time? Daydreams help us make new associations and connections. In fact, some of our greatest thinkers (Einstein, for example) were notorious for letting their minds wander to come up with big ideas. So, let your mind wander, grab a journal and record your daydreams — you never know where that next big idea will come from!

So make a commitment today to add more play into your daily life — whether at work or at home. Maybe we can’t change the world, but maybe we can make our own world a little more, well, playful. •

joi, 23 septembrie 2010


Hai să îţi spun ceva ce ştii deja.


“… undeva, de-a lungul timpului, te-ai schimbat, ai încetat

să mai fii tu. Ai lăsat oamenii să arate cu degetul spre tine şi

să îţi spună că nu eşti bun. Şi când lucrurile au început să

meargă prost, ai început să te uiţi după ceva sau cineva pe care

să învinuieşti… Lumea nu este tot timpul însorită şi plină de

curcubeie. Lumea e un loc dificil şi plin de răutate… şi nu mă

interesează cât de dur eşti, te va lovi şi te va pune în genunchi şi

te va ţine acolo permanent, dacă o laşi. Nici eu, nici tu şi

nimeni din lumea asta nu poate lovi aşa tare cum loveşte viaţa.

Dar nu e vorba despre cât de tare poţi să loveşti ci despre cât

de tare poţi să fii lovit şi să poţi merge înainte. Cât de mult poţi

să cari şi să mergi înainte. Aşa se câştigă luptele. Acum,

dacă ştii cât valorezi, du-te în lume şi cere ceea ce valorezi.

Dar trebuie să fii dispus să fii lovit. Şi nu ai voie să arăţi cu

degetul şi să spui că nu eşti ceea ce vrei să fii din cauza altora.

Laşii fac asta și tu nu eşti un laş. Eşti mai bun de atât. Te voi

iubi orice ar fi. Dar până nu începi să crezi în tine, nu ai o


vineri, 17 septembrie 2010

Leadership Dynamically: Achieve What Others Say is Impossible

Environmental conditions are changing rapidly; in these shifting conditions, traditional leadership models are not working. Information is available to everyone, at any time. Social networks are eroding the established hierarchy. Product development cycle times are increasing at a shocking pace. Market conditions are being set by a different set of rules. How can any modern-day leader function effectively given these enormous challenges?

In these turbulent times where outcomes are unpredictable, those who lead dynamically are succeeding. Dynamical leaders pay attention to three conditions to ensure an effective, highly functioning organization: coherence, resilience, and fitness. The leader who masters these conditions will achieve what others say is impossible!

Coherence can be thought of as an interdependence of parts. An organization needs to be coherent with market conditions to remain a player in a given strategic space. Departments need coherence to ensure a strong coordination of activity. Teams need coherence of behavior to effectively work for the organization’s benefit. Patterns that build coherence are those that keep communication open and honest, ensure clarity of roles and responsibilities, build shared identity, and create a rhythm of high performance.

Resilience is the ability to integrate, re-calibrate and recover quickly when challenged. The normal inclination is to fall back to familiar ground, carefully exploring until the change becomes familiar once again. Resilient leaders are constantly placing themselves in unfamiliar conditions, stretching their capacity to absorb and adjust. They seek what is different in perspective, approach, or opinion; connect across boundaries; and explore new ideas and technologies like a curious scientist. Resilient leaders are constantly looking for constraints in their thinking, decision-making, relationships, and behavior. They actively explore their filters, viewpoints, and judgments, constantly seek ways to break constraints and keep themselves open and adaptable. Patterns that build resilience include utilization of multiple perspectives, ongoing learning, and establishing feedback mechanisms for recycling learning back into the system for continued expansion of potential. The cycle of exploration and knowledge generation comes from external markets, interactions with customers, attention to shifting conditions, and curiosity of teammates. A resilient leader notices patterns of creativity, exploration, collaboration, and integration.
Leaders who understand fitness are not thinking about athletics. Instead, they are constantly scanning their environment for potential surprises. They regard blips and trends as pieces of a larger puzzle to be solved. They know that these changes offer valuable information that beckons them to make meaning for their organization. These leaders have inquiring minds and seek to build organizational cultures that candidly talk about what is being noticed, are patient with different perspectives, and discern emerging patterns from random blips and trends.
How does paying attention to coherence, resilience and fitness ensure the capacity to accomplish what others think is impossible? Some leaders choose to focus their attention on building coherence. They focus on clarity of mission, vision, values, process improvements, performance objectives, and measurements. YES! These are needed and necessary. But they are not the only conditions for success. Coherence forms the ground floor of an effective organization, but what keeps an organization alive is resilience and fitness—the ability to adapt to what is important.

Sad as it may be, the environmental conditions we are experiencing now prohibit many organizations from developing a five-year strategic plan that is fully executionable. Dynamical leaders know their approach to business opportunities require constant vigilance for shifting environmental conditions and the ability to adapt with urgency. Operating in these conditions means that leaders must expand their focus grow their organizations capability to be resilient and fit into an environment of rapid change.
If you wish to learn more about this type of thinking and how to become a dynamical leader, check out the schedule for presentations and/or workshops on .