sâmbătă, 17 septembrie 2011

Smart Business Quotes

Today i  found some smart business promotion quotes, and i thought that you will enjoy it whit me.So , if you like smart quotes   you have arrived at the right place and this compilation of business quotations will not disappoint you:

If you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work. – Khalil Gibran
If you don’t drive your business, you will be driven out of business. – B. C. Forbes
If you have to forecast, forecast often. – Edgar R. Fiedler
If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been. – Robert H. Schuller
If you owe the bank $100 that’s your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that’s the bank’s problem. – J. Paul Getty
In modern business it is not the crook who is to be feared most, it is the honest man who doesn’t know what he is doing. – William Wordsworth
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later. – Harold S. Geneen ( this i love it).
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. – Benjamin Franklin
Informed decision-making comes from a long tradition of guessing and then blaming others for inadequate results. – Scott Adams
Inside every working anarchy, there’s an Old Boy Network. – Mitchell Kapor
It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. – Adam Smith
It takes more than capital to swing business. You’ve got to have the A. I. D. degree to get by – Advertising, Initiative, and Dynamics. – Isaac Asimov

vineri, 9 septembrie 2011

Active Listening - Friends Lend me your ears

Active Listening - Hear what people are really saying : Don't interrupt when someone is speaking.
     Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others.
We listen to obtain information.
We listen to understand.
We listen for enjoyment.                                      
We listen to learn.
Given all this listening we do, you would think we'd be good at it! In fact most of us are not. Depending on the study being quoted, we remember between 25% and 50% of what we hear. That means that when you talk to your boss, colleagues, customers or spouse for 10 minutes, they pay attention to less than half of the conversation. This is dismal!
Becoming an Active Listener
There are five key elements of active listening. They all help you ensure that you hear the other person, and that the other person knows you are hearing what they say.
1.          Pay attention.  Give the speaker your undivided attention, and acknowledge the message. Recognize that non-verbal communication also "speaks" loudly.
                 Look at the speaker directly.
                 Put aside distracting thoughts. Don't mentally prepare a rebuttal!
                 Avoid being distracted by environmental factors.
                 "Listen" to the speaker's body language.
                 Refrain from side conversations when listening in a group setting.

2. Show that you are listening. Use your own body language and gestures to convey your attention.
                Nod occasionally.
                 Smile and use other facial expressions.
                 Note your posture and make sure it is open and inviting.
                 Encourage the speaker to continue with small verbal comments like yes, and uh huh.
3. Provide feedback: Our personal filters, assumptions, judgments, and beliefs can distort what we hear. As a listener, your role is to understand what is being said. This may require you to reflect what is being said and ask questions.
                 Reflect what has been said by paraphrasing. "What I'm hearing is." and "Sounds like you are saying." are great ways to reflect back.
                 Ask questions to clarify certain points. "What do you mean when you say." "Is this what you mean?"
                 Summarize the speaker's comments periodically.
Tip: If you find yourself responding emotionally to what someone said, say so, and ask for more information: "I may not be understanding you correctly, and I find myself taking what you said personally. What I thought you just said is XXX; is that what you meant?".
4.  Defer judgment: Interrupting is a waste of time. It frustrates the speaker and limits full understanding of the message.
                 Allow the speaker to finish.
                 Don't interrupt with counter arguments.
5.Respond Appropriately: Active listening is a model for respect and understanding. You are gaining information and perspective. You add nothing by attacking the speaker or otherwise putting him or her down.
                 Be candid, open, and honest in your response.
                 Assert your opinions respectfully.
                Treat the other person as he or she would want to be treated. 

luni, 25 iulie 2011

Eq vs Iq - leadership puternic

Cu ceva timp in urma am mai amintit despre balanta dintre EQ si IQ, si , chiar si asa nu m-am putut abtine sa nu va expun o alta versiune scrisa de Adelina,fondator si director in  Programul Leader School.

Bill Guertin spunea despre angajati ca nu parasesc compania, ci seful. Un puternic semnal de alarma pentru managerii care inca se mai intreaba ce este cel mai important pentru companie, oamenii sau profitul. Raspunsul a fost dat in urma cu mai bine de 2350 de ani de catre Aristotel, insa abia in ultimele decenii a fost cu adevarat descoperit.
Fiecare dintre noi avem, cu siguranta, imaginea unui coechipier care, desi are rezultate ireprosabile la munca, interactioneaza foarte putin cu oamenii si are probleme serioase in a-i considera pe ceilalti din echipa ca fiind parte a succesului. Sunt exact acei oameni care ne demonstreaza inca o data, daca mai era nevoie, ca EQ-ul este imbatabil in fata IQ-ului.

Emotie vs. Ratiune
De-a lungul timpului, oameni de stiinta, profesori si psihologi au lucrat la dovedirea sau respingerea importantei sentimentelor. Din nefericire, o perioada foarte lunga de timp, aproape doua milenii, s-a considerat ca emotiile ne impiedica sa luam decizii bune si sa ne mentinem atentia. In toata aceasta perioada, IQ-ul era forma cea mai facila si totodata cea mai relevanta de a testa abilitatile unui viitor angajat sau potential lider. Pentru o perioada indelungata, competenta s-a numarat printre trasaturile esentiale ale unui lider, insa, din fericire, in ultimele trei decenii, imbunatatirea modalitatilor de cercetare a dus la dovedirea contrariului. A nu se intelege insa ca IQ-ul nu are o importanta semnificativa.
Cuvantul "emotie" indica slabiciune, desi, in realitate, aceasta este un semn al autenticitatii. Un articol al lui Daniel Goleman despre relatia dintre EQ si leadership, publicat in Harvard Business Review, a reusit sa atraga mai multi cititori decat orice alt subiect publicat in ultimii 40 de ani in aceasta revista. Interesul manifestat atunci s-a regasit si in randul companiilor lider care au inteles importanta emotiilor in lucrul cu oamenii si au adoptat testele EQ in alegerea viitorilor angajati.

Puterea emotiilor
Simtim inainte de a gandi, iar emotiile noastre ne ghideaza gandurile si comportamentele intr-o masura foarte mare. Cu siguranta insa, si gandurile ne influenteaza emotiile. Este un proces neurologic complex, dar un lucru este sigur: emotiile conteaza.
Pentru ca emotiile ne afecteaza procesele cognitive, ele afecteaza, de asemenea, si reactia oamenilor din jurul nostru. Acest lucru este valabil in special in cazul relatiei lider-follower. Cand experimentam ceea ce cercetatorii numesc a positive emotional attractor – incredere, compasiune, entuziasm, placere –, suntem mai deschisi sa vedem noi modalitati de a rezolva lucrurile, putem fi mai creativi si mai capabili de a ne stabili obiective pe termen lung. Opusul este, de asemenea, valabil. Atractorii de emotii negative, cu precadere frica, stres, pericol, ne transmit un semnal de agresiune si paralizie mentala.
Se vorbeste tot mai des despre climatul de la locul de munca, iar specialistii ne avertizeaza ca acesta poate influenta performanta organizatiilor. Companiile in care oamenii sunt deschisi, entuziasti si motivati vor avea rezultate considerabil mai bune decat acele companii in care nivelul de satisfactie al oamenilor este redus. Sunt foarte multe exemple de companii care au reusit sa se diferentieze prin atitudinea fata de oameni, Starbucks fiind un exemplu reprezentativ. Angajatii Starbucks inteleg viziunea companiei, o impartasesc si se simt ca si cum ar lucra in propria lor firma.

Lideri inteligenti emotional
Adevarata frumusete a emotiilor este natura lor contagioasa. Asa ca, daca trebuie sa conduci oameni si vrei sa fie inovativi si optimisti, atunci este necesar sa impartasesti cu ei incredere, emotie si pasiune. Oamenii percep in mod involuntar emotiile si de cele mai multe ori si le insusesc.
Daca sunt contagioase intre indivizi si daca acestea pot afecta starea de spirit si eficienta unui intreg grup, ce se poate intampla la nivel de comunitate? Cercetarile facute cu privire la comportamentul multimilor au demonstrat ca pot fi activate adevarate "epidemii" emotionale. Istoria, de asemenea, ne demonstreaza ca oamenii isi pot uni fortele pentru binele general sau, la extrema, sa participe la atrocitati.

Constientizand impactul emotiilor, ca lideri ne dam seama ca avem puterea de a influenta destine si ca responsabilitatea noastra este enorma. Dar inainte de a gestiona in mod eficient emotiile echipei, este necesar sa iti cunosti si sa iti stapanesti propriile emotii si trairi. Cei mai buni lideri sunt cei care folosesc un amestec de abilitati psihologice cunoscute sub numele de inteligenta emotionala. Acesti lideri sunt stapani pe sine si empatici. Isi cunosc si isi controleaza propriile emotii in timp ce, intuitiv, inteleg emotiile celorlalti.
Cambria Consulting si McClelland si-au propus sa realizeze un studiu pe cei mai buni lideri din lume, pentru a observa care sunt acele trasaturi care ii fac sa se detaseze de masa. Timp de 30 de ani au observat si analizat peste 1000 de lideri, iar concluziile la care au ajuns au fost urmatoarele:

Liderii eficienti sunt constienti de impactul pe care il au asupra celor din jur – Liderii sensibili la sentimentele oamenilor pe care ii conduc sunt atenti intotdeauna la modul in care isi exprima trairile si cauta intotdeauna noi metode de a comunica eficient.
Liderii buni empatizeaza cu oamenii si pot lua in continuare decizii dificile – Usurinta de a te pune in locul celuilalt si de a-i intelege trairile este specifica liderilor de succes. Acestia sunt capabili, de asemenea, sa se detaseze si sa foloseasca ratiunea in momentele dificile.
Adevaratii lideri sunt pasionati de ceea ce fac si lasa acest lucru sa se vada – Liderii buni sunt pasionati, optimisti si cred cu tarie ca lucrurile vor merge bine. Aceasta incredere este transmisa si adeptilor care astfel primesc doza de motivatie pentru a avea cele mai bune performante.
Liderii de succes pun pe primul plan oamenii si pe al doilea rezultatele – Liderii eficienti isi tempereaza "setea" pentru rezultate si fac tot ceea ce le sta in putinta pentru a-si intelege oamenii si a-i ajuta sa treaca peste momentele dificile.

EQ in Romania
Conform cercetarii "Inteligenta emotionala la locul de munca – 2007", realizata de catre Competent Consulting, Romania se afla printre tarile cu un grad de inteligenta emotionala ridicat. EQ-ul mediu este de 104, peste referinta americana de 100. Cel mai mare EQ apartine Israelului, cu o medie de 112, iar cel mai mic se inregistreaza in Canada – 95. De asemenea, studiul demonstreaza ca femeile sunt mai inteligente emotional decat barbatii, rezultat ce se aliniaza si cu cercetarile realizate la nivel mondial.

Inteligenta emotionala in leadership trebuie vazuta in perspectiva. Cheia succesului este data de balanta dintre mixul capacitatilor cognitive (logica si gandire creativa), abilitatile de lucru cu oamenii (influenta, comunicare), experienta si valorile care stau la baza fiecarui lider. Luate impreuna, toate acestea formeaza un stil de leadership puternic.

marți, 5 iulie 2011

Learning organization

  The lessons learnt out of a teacher and a student relationship goes beyond the level of textbook or any business manuals, for both involved. Learning is a two way process and in the corporate context many of us must have donned both hats that is of a mentor and a mentee. Let us see how a mentor and mentee can help in creating learning organizations of tomorrow.           
   Organizations and teams are built on faith and trust. A true balance of trust, human understanding and symbiotic working between different hierarchies in a team is the fundamental premise for successful teams. I always believed the greatest virtue of a mentor is not only to be superior in knowledge, but also display patience to enable learning and wisdom. People feel like they have too much to do and not enough time and lack of time is blamed for everything from not getting enough exercise, unachieved goals, bad relationships and so on. Through a mentor, you will learn ways to compartmentalize time and work and even hone the art of multi-tasking.
   A mentor will help you transform your career from a mere follower to a leader. He would demonstrate the mentoring skills in shaping you up as a good leader. He will teach you ways to handle people, give feedback and maintain work life balance in a very demanding job that we are in today. A good mentor will always step in and help you learn & understand ways to handle high pressure situations while still respecting people.
    A mentor will help you understand that once performance levels of people are established; don’t delay telling people where they stand. In case performance isn’t meeting expectations, they may need you to ensure they know this before hand. Further establishing a relationship with people beyond what they do at work and remember the small things about them will also help in building healthy organizational environment. 
Mentoring is done with a view to create a successful career on one hand and to sow the seeds of mentoring on the other. The greatest of the challenges in mentoring is the resistance to change and willingness to unlearn certain preconceived positions of understanding and decision making. Also, I am not sure how and when the mentor takes over from being a mere superior in terms of administrative hierarchy. In the process of mentoring, he develops an ability to absorb the experiences of his mentees which they have acquired through their course of life. It is learnt that every person’s problem is a case study by itself; through them, you can enrich your learnings.
Understanding the view of your mentee is sometimes difficult for which one need to step into their shoes to understand the problem before guiding them to the right pointers. Also, mentors gain from a mentee’s experience. Hence, look out for opportunities for improvement on both sides, both mentee and mentor.

I think the strongest lesson I have learnt while mentoring is that you have to let people go and make their own mistakes. Don’t give solutions as much as ask questions that help them to take the decision for themselves.

sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011

Creativitatea...in afaceri

Daca aliniezi doi oameni la aceeasi linie de start si ii pui sa faca acelasi lucru, pe care il vor obtine urmand aceiasi pasi, este posibil sa observi, cand vor ajunge la linia de finish, ca unul dintre ei are un rezultat mai bun: proiectul la care a lucrat este mai atragator, mai convingator, mai de impact. Cum a reusit acest lucru?
Creativitatea este un motor esential al afacerilor. Cu toate acestea, este greu de identificat, de auditat. Cert este ca, in companiile unde este cultivata si exersata, toata lumea culege roadele, atat angajatii, cat si afacerea.

Cum se masoara creativitatea?

Creativitatea se masoara prin rezultatele si impactul nemijlocit in business. De regula, procesul de creativitate genereaza idei care la randul lor determina o schimbare, fie ca este la nivel de produs/serviciu, fie ca este la nivel de piata, procese. In acest caz, creativitatea poate fi usor masurata si contabilizata, prin efectele produse de aceasta schimbare. Poate fi vorba, in principal, de doua aspecte: scaderea cheltuielilor sau cresterea veniturilor, acestea fiind cele doua mari scopuri pentru care o organizatie doreste/trebuie sa aiba o cultura care sa favorizeze creativitatea. Este adevarat ca pentru a ajunge la scaderea costurilor sau cresterea veniturilor, procesul de creativitate poate viza imbunatatirea sau modificarea proceselor interne, crearea de noi produse/servicii, crearea/exploatarea de noi piete, insa in final, pentru orice afacere, aceste demersuri inseamna in final un impact in cifre.
Provocarea nu consta in contabilizarea creativitatii, ci mai degraba in generarea de idei si solutii proaspete, care sa adreseze anumite nevoi. Intr-o organizatie nu are sens sa fii creativ de dragul de a fi asa, ci trebuie sa ai un scop final. Creativitatea este un proces care te conduce la un rezultat. Este un instrument, daca vreti. Dificultatea consta in a identifica acele zone precise in care este nevoie de solutii noi si creative, astfel incat acestea sa aiba impact direct in scopul final si sa iti asigure succesul ca organizatie. Si se pare ca sursa cea mai importanta  pentru a afla aceste informatii sunt clientii organizatiei. O carte extrem de utila in acest domeniu, What Customers Want, de Anthony W. Ulwick, CEO al Strategyn, INC., spune asa: pentru a crea solutii noi dorite de clienti, trebuie mai intai sa aflam ce fac clientii cu acele produse/servicii oferite de noi (pentru ce le utilizeaza, ce sarcini indeplinesc cu ele) si cum masoara succesul in indeplinirea acelor sarcini (ce criterii folosesc). Este importanta o orientare pe rezultat, nu strict pe client, asa cum se intampla de cele mai multe ori. Astfel, devine foarte simplu sa masori creativitatea in business: daca ai generat idei care sa serveasca acestui rezultat sau nu.
Este important sa intelegem ca initiativele creative trebuie sa se raporteze la business. De exemplu, in contextul actual, in care este greu sa atragi atentia oamenilor, acestia nu mai stau sa te asculte daca le prezinti serviciile tale respectand pasii clasici de vanzari. Este necesar sa reevaluam cu totii ideea de comunicare, in care trebuie sa fim foarte personali si unde prima regula este fara reguli. Orice norma se instituie ca o zona de confort, foarte periculoasa, care te impiedica sa avansezi.
Apple este o companie creativa, care a stiut sa obtina maximul de profit din acest avantaj. In acelasi timp, sunt unele companii care aveau o cota de piata mare acum cativa ani si care intre timp au pierdut teren in fata unor companii mai mici si foarte dinamice, active, intuitive si creative in a descoperi nevoi noi.

Creativitatea se invata

In ceea ce priveste „sursele“ creativitatii, oamenii, trebuie spus ca nu exista manageri creativi si manageri non-creativi. Exista oameni care au dezvoltata in mod natural mai mult emisfera dreapta a creierului si altii care au emisfera stanga mai dezvoltata. Insa aceste emisfere se pot echilibra, adica se poate dezvolta latura creativa. Creativitatea este si innascuta, dar se si invata, ca si talentul. Talentul neexersat dispare, la fel si creativitatea. Revenind insa la discutia despre manageri, stilul acestora depinde foarte mult de cultura organizatiei in care lucreaza. In cazul in care cultura incurajeaza creativitatea si inovatia, atunci si managerii vor fi pe acest tipar, daca nu, nu.
Totusi, ca sa reducem la foarte simplu ceva complex, un manager creativ va da nastere, incuraja si sprijini o atmosfera de lucru bazata pe posibilitati, oportunitati, va plana in jurul orbitei cum ar fi daca, cum ar fi sa, ce posibilitati exista aici. Isi va asculta, dezvolta si folosi intuitia in ceea ce inseamna relatii interumane, relatii de business, descoperirea de oportunitati valoroase in locuri nebanuite, luarea deciziilor.
Un manager mai putin creativ are alte puncte forte si creeaza un alt gen de climat. Acesta se bazeaza mai mult pe logica si ratiune, favorizeaza si incurajeaza crearea de reguli si proceduri clare si respectate. Poate gasi solutii imediate, pe baza experientelor anterioare, la probleme noi aparute. El creeaza un climat predictibil, pe cand un manager creativ este el insusi de multe ori motorul schimbarii. Exista o latura importanta a creativitatii, greu de cuantificat: intuitia. Sunt oameni care au decis sa isi faca o firma noua, cand totul se arata impotriva, chiar si statisticile. Dar ei au simtit ca atunci era momentul si nu au dat gres. Aici intervine intuitia. Cand ti-o urmezi, ajungi intr-o zona de incredere in tine, care te sustine sa fii mai clar si ferm in decizii, care se vor dovedi ulterior unele inspirate.
O perspectiva in care activezi intuitia poate face minuni. Toyota, de exemplu, a initiat un studiu intern printre angajati, in care i-a invitat sa isi transmita sugestiile lor despre cum pot fi mai eficienti. Surpriza companiei a fost ca rata raspunsurilor a fost extrem de slaba. Conducerea a analizat care era problema si a pus altfel intrebarea: Cum credeti ca va puteti imbunatati munca? Intrebarea care punea accentul pe angajat a avut un impact peste asteptari, din punctul de vedere al reactiei angajatilor si al sugestiilor venite din partea lor.

Criza si creativitatea

In contextul economic actual, companiile se confrunta cu lipsa creativitatii sau trecerea acesteia in plan secundar sau tertiar. Creativitatea este privita si acum ca un lucru exotic, mai greu poate de cuantificat (cu toate ca si trainingul este greu de cuantificat, si totusi este mult mai popular), greu de definit. Exista si prejudecata ca oamenii creativi sunt putini, au un har aparte si nu oricine poate avea idei. Astfel, multi manageri care au aceasta convingere nici nu incearca sa schimbe ceva.
De asemenea, pentru stilurile mai egocentriste, greutatea vine si din a putea accepta ca poate oamenii din echipa ta au idei mai bune decat ai tu. Din acest motiv, sunt destui manageri romani care sufoca din fasa orice idee care ii vine unui subaltern.
O alta problema este si faptul ca in Romania, pana in 2008 inclusiv, lucrurile au functionat dintr-un boom extraordinar economic. In acel context, nici nu mai era nevoie sa ai idei, pentru ca oricum lucrurile mergeau foarte bine. Odata cu criza, ne-am deplasat la polul opus – degeaba avem idei, daca nimic nu merge. Acum lucrurile se pare ca s-au mai asezat, insa tot persista mentalitatea de a merge pe drumul stiut, pentru ca este mai sigur. Nici nu prea exista scoli in care sa deprinzi tehnici pentru a fi mai creativ, desi nevoia exista.

Tehnici pentru stimularea creativitatii

1. Orice joc imaginar confera prospetime. In starea de libertate pe care ti-o da acesta, descoperi resurse noi, revii in lumea de la birou pregatit sa incerci noi solutii. Recita o poezie, vorbeste intr-o limba inventata de tine – este potrivit orice exercitiu nou, care solicita focusarea intregii tale atentii pe el. Aceasta iti permite sa renunti la auto-cenzura si indoieli si restructureaza imaginatia. Jocul este bun pentru ca nu trebuie, in el ai libertate totala, doar ca este necesar sa te implici cu aceeasi preocupare ca si in viata reala.
2. Asociaza idei noi, obiecte luate la intamplare, schimba perspectiva - intr-un cuvant, gandeste in termeni de posibilitati, nu de restrictii. Practic, aceasta inseamna iesirea din tipare. Acest lucru se exerseaza, asa cum si marile talente ale lumii au facut-o. Bach compunea o cantata pe zi, Mozart a compus 626 de opere muzicale, iar Edison a realizat 1 093 de inventii. Daca ar fi stat si ar fi asteptat sa fie loviti de fulgerul inspiratiei, este posibil ca azi sa nu ne mai fi putut bucura de Nunta lui Figaro. Asa cum spunea Edison, Geniul este 1% inspiratie si 99% transpiratie.

3 lucruri despre creativitate

Creativitatea este prezenta intr-un mediu relaxat, nu poate sa apara la comanda.
Creativitatea presupune un exercitiu de constientizare. Invatand, exersand,  observand ce consecinte au actiunile noastre si inainte de a le face, sa ajungem sa stim deja si cum vom putea repara consecintele unora, precum ridicatul vocii la un subaltern.
Trebuie sa integram in actiunile noastre ceea ce se intampla din accident, sa ne adaptam la evenimentele neprevazute si nu sa pretindem ca acestea nu au avut loc

duminică, 19 iunie 2011

Studiu: Salariile femeilor versus celor ale barbatilor

Femeile isi incep viata profesionala avand asteptari salariale mai mici decat barbatii si anticipand un interval mai lung de timp pentru promovare, arata un studiu.                             
In medie, perioada in care femeile se asteapta sa fie promovate este mai lunga cu doua luni decat in cazul barbatilor, arata studiul realizat de o universitate canadiana si citat de Daily Mail.
Femeile isi estimeaza salariile la inceputul carierei cu 14 procente mai mici decat ale barbatilor, se mai arata in cercetarea condusa de profesorul Sean Lyons, din cadrul University of Guelph, Ontario.
De asemenea, salariile pe care femeile se asteapta sa le primeasca dupa cinci ani de munca sunt cu 18% mai scazute decat remuneratiile pe care le estimeaza barbatii.
“Este un cerc vicios. Femeile stiu ca nu castiga la fel ca barbatii, asa ca intra in campul muncii cu astfel de asteptari. Pentru ca nu se asteapta sa castige la fel de mult, probabil ca nu sunt la fel de agresive in privinta negocierii salariului”, spune profesorul Lyons.
La studiu au participat peste 23.000 de studenti canadieni. “In general, am descoperit ca asteptarile studentilor barbati sunt exagerate. Aceste rezultate ar putea indica faptul ca femeile sunt pur si simplu mai realiste”, a declarat Lyons.
Cu toate ca asteptarile lor difera in privinta vietii profesionale, femeile si barbatii au niveluri egale de incredere de sine, arata studiul. “Femeile nu se simt inferioare barbatilor si se considera la fel de capabile ca acestia”, spune coordonatorul cercetarii.

marți, 14 iunie 2011

Learning - a two way process

Learning is a two way process and in the corporate world many of us may have experienced being both a mentor and a mentee.

Organizations, teams and relationships are built on faith and trust. The greatest quality of a mentor is not only to be superior in knowledge, but also display patience to enable learning. People feel like they have too much to do and not enough time and lack of time is blamed for everything from not getting enough exercise, unachieved goals, bad relationships and so on. Through a mentor, you will learn ways to sort out time and work and even learn the art of multi-tasking.                

A mentor helps you transform from a follower to a leader. He demonstrates the mentoring skills in shaping you up as a good leader. He teaches you ways to handle people, give feedback and maintain work life balance in a very demanding work environment that we are in today. A good mentor always steps in and help you learn & understand ways to handle high pressure situations while still respecting people.

A mentor will help you understand that once performance levels of people are established you should not delay telling people where they stand. In case performance isn't meeting expectations, they may need you to ensure they know this before hand. Further, establishing a relationship with people beyond what they do at work and remembering the small things about them also helps in building healthy organizational environment.

Some of the challenges that mentors face are the resistance to change and willingness to unlearn certain preconceived perceptive. A mentor also develops an ability to absorb the experiences of his mentees which they have acquired through the course of their life. You can enrich your learning by other people’s life experiences and problems.

Understanding our mentee’s point of view may be difficult sometimes and we may need to step into their shoes to understand the issue before guiding them in a certain direction.

I think the biggest lesson I have learnt while mentoring is that you have to let people go and make their own mistakes. Don't give solutions as much as ask questions that help them to take the decision for themselves.

vineri, 10 iunie 2011

ODiseea Dezvoltarii Organizationale in Companiile din Romania

Pe la inceputurile  anilor ’90 organizatiile din Romania incep sa se preocupe mai intens de instruirea si dezvoltarea oamenilor. Pe piata de instruire-training companiile aduc licente de programe din exteriorul tarii pe care le adapteaza pentru Romania. Antreprenorii merg mai departe si creeaza propriile cursuri pe care le ofera pietei in formare.
In companii incep sa apara echipe sau departamente specializate in instruirea angajatilor. Echipele de acest gen se afla ori sub umbrela departamentelor de resurse umane ori sunt subsumate altor functiuni, de pilda celei comerciale, de vanzari, de relatii cu clientii sau tehnice. Ele se ocupa in principal cu dezvoltarea competentelor de baza pentru domeniul, industria, din care face parte compania.
Training si dezvoltare
Pasul urmator in aceasta ODisee este aparitia departamentelor de „training si development”, instruirea si dezvoltarea. Ele analizeaza nevoile de instruire ale angajatilor, urmaresc ce abilitati, cunostinte si competente necesita dezvoltare si vin cu solutii. Apare o noua meserie, cea de „trainer”. Ea se dezvolta pe baza cursurile specializate „Train the trainer”, prin know-how-ul organizatiilor-mama si prin documentarea pe internet. O contributie importanta o are si entuziasmul tinerilor pasionati care isi descopera, in meseria de trainer, vocatia.
Dezvoltarea carierei
Apar apoi departamentele specializate in dezvoltarea carierei. Ele colecteaza date despre posturi (joburi), informatii adunate in fisele de post, standarde de performanta necesare. Pe linga cunostinte, abilitati, experienta necesara angajatului, este conturat si planul sau de cariera, „career path”. Specialistii „cresc” odata cu afacerea in care activeaza, pentru ca ei incep sa raspunda in timp real nevoilor pietei si sa anticipeze nevoile viitoare.
Dezvoltarea organizationala
Urmatoarea treapta depaseste conceptul de „training and development”. Dezvoltarea organizationala ( OD- Organizational Development ) presupune analiza proceselor de business si a structurii companiei pentru a creste eficienta si performanta ei.
Imaginati-va organizatia ca pe un organism viu care sufera constant schimbari si reorientari. Informatiile despre angajati si nevoile de joburi existente sunt analizate impreuna cu nevoile de dezvoltare ale organizatiei.
Practic, pe baza strategiei companiei, a nevoilor de business si a obiectivelor departamentale, ne asiguram ca structura companiei si joburile aferente sunt constant analizate. Structura este aceea care produce valoare, eficienta sau performanta.
Inovare si dezvoltare organizationala
A dezvolta organizatia inseamna sa luam in seama deopotriva strategia, structurile, procesele si oamenii. Kurt Lewin, considerat parintele OD-ului, pionier al centrului de cercetare de la MIT, a dezvoltat conceptul de dinamica a grupurilor aplicat astazi in organizatii.                                                                
Este vital pentru dezvoltare sa intelegem importanta analizarii comportamentului organizatiei. Trebuie inteles modul in care oamenii din organizatie gandesc, simt si contribuie la scopul comun.Valorile si credintele lor, atit inlauntrul cat si in afara organizatiei, sunt motorul oricarei companii.
ODiseea dezvoltarii organizationale continua in companiile din Romania. Evolutia organizatiilor tinde natural catre integrarea conceptelor de dezvoltare a afacerii si dezvoltare a oamenilor. In anii ce urmeaza inovarea si dezvoltarea sunt elementele strategice care vor revitaliza lumea afacerilor din Romania!

luni, 6 iunie 2011

I don’t like my Job

How many times have we come across this thought? Let’s not even guess.

Have we ever thought why this thought keeps bouncing back to our mind? I guess when something becomes routine and monotonous, it loses that fizz. Why something becomes routine? Because, we end up doing umpteen number of times? Why do we have to do it so many times?....... This is a million dollar question J
 We have to do this because “It is our Job.”                                                   
 Have we ever thought that how can we make our jobs interesting and challenging. I guess, by now you would be thinking, it took me almost 1 year to come out of that critical stage and I am asking how can we make it challenging J
 Each role and job, after a specific time, depending on the criticality and complexity, comes to a steady state where we end up doing something which has become a second nature to us.  I have seen colleagues giving complete screen by screen navigation support on phone (from home) without have a computer in front of them. That’s the stage of maturity.

How can we come out of this vicious circle of monotonous job?
 I think we can make our jobs interesting by doing automation, job rotation and job enrichment, or by brining best practices.
 Lot many times we know what could be done to make our job faster (because we are the experts), but since we are not tech savvy, we ignore it. Have we thought of taking the help from someone who knows XL or Access? No, we don’t want to go that extra mile. Why should I do that? My job is not to automate. Let my manager think about this, he should also justify his salary J
 Have we thought of reducing the hand offs in the process, how often we update SOPs or how often we coach someone to do a better job?
 Can we think of learning a new process or a new skill. No way, who wants to sit with that jerk. I can’t stand him for a second, forget about sitting with him and seeking favor from him. Not my piece of cake.
 How will it affect me? I have to stay late, may be practice on weekend. Why do I want to take all that trouble. I am happy with what I know, anyways learning something new will not increase my salary.
 This is not going to fetch me a better rating if I learn a new process. My life will not change after putting this effort.  On the contrary, I will go back home on time and spend quality time with family or complete my job fast and will have a extra session of coffee or smoke.

That what we all think and that’s  right also because we have a myopic view which does not cuts across years.
 Let’s go back and think what all we have learnt in last 5 years. We all would have about 10 things to write. But think, have we learnt that proactive way or reactive way. About 80% of the time, it would be reactive. We learn because of threat, pressure, competition. We never learnt it as a self paced learning.
 Its very difficult to inculcate this because it requires a lot of self discipline, time, effort and above all a long term view.
What we know now and what is our USP, will not be valid few years down the line. Either it would move from a USP to a necessity or will become redundant.
 With fierce competition and fast changing technology, new practices and processes are coming into picture. Lot of our skills which we have now would come as a delivered functionality of the system.
Gone are the days we when use to do manual recons by taking rims of print outs. Not system gives us exception reporting and highlight the outliers.

Voice recognizing software , OCR,  case management, auto recons, auto response knowledge base, SOP writing tools are few things which we can relate to our world.  Earlier I was able to say “I create great SOPs,”  now a software creates it better than me and takes 90% less time. So my USP has gone.

We should think of how I can add value to my work, how can I learn something new which is ancillary to my work. (to make my job interesting, so that I should say “I like what I do” and “I take pride in what I do because I implemented this”

We have to learn this at the cost of free time or asking help, which is very hard to do. We cannot always equate it monetarily or with growth.

We need to be aware of how technology is affecting  what is our edge in terms of skills and competencies and how can we increase our arsenal is this ever changing ecosystem.

I guess in few years, the word “Self Sustained Ecosystem,” will be made redundant as nothing is self sustained in our times. It has to be fed with constant efforts.

Looks like a lot of gyaan, I know. Its easy to say rather than putting it to practice J

Sooner we make our Jobs interesting, the better it is and we should find ways of making it INTRESTING.

miercuri, 1 iunie 2011


Fiecare relatie de amicitie, de prietenie, de iubire, fiecare interactiune cu cei din jurul tau au o valoare inestimabila.
Pe langa experienta de viata pe care o castigam, de fiecare data avem sansa de a schimba sau poate chiar transforma ceva, pentru ca in realitate nu suntem separati unii de ceilalti si contrar vointei noastre de cele mai multe ori suntem influientati atat de mediul cat si de oamenii cu care interactionam zilnic.
Dar ce s-ar petrece daca intr-o
dimineata ne-am trezi si am vedea lumea altfel, am vedea fiecare om in parte, ce reprezinta el, ce este important pentru el, care sunt nazuintele si aspiratiile lui… parca totul s-ar schimba.
Un vechi proverb foarte intelept ne sfatuieste sa tratam oamenii ca si cum ei au devenit deja ceea ce pot deveni. Astfel, pe langa increderea pe care o acordam fiecarui om cu care interactionam, il ajutam sa realizeze mai repede ceea ce vrea si spera.
Iar aceasta stare de curaj ne va ajuta si pe noi sa ne urmam visele si sa actionam in consecinta.
Vom fi uimiti sa remarcam cum un cuvant bun, un compliment, un zambet pot schimba atat ambianta in care ne aflam cat si calitatea relatiilor pe care le avem zilnic cu cei cu care interactionam.
Te-ai intrebat vre-odata cat de important esti in aceasta lume? Cat de mult conteaza fiecare alegere pe care o faci clipa de clipa, zi de zi?

vineri, 27 mai 2011

Good luck

People often handle life as they do bad weather. They while away the time waiting for it to get better. Yet the tide of opportunity comes to everyone.
Opportunity knocks all the time but you've got to be ready for it. When your chance comes, you must have the equipment to take advantage of it. The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, for time and chance happen to everyone.
Take a second look at what appears to be someone's"goodluck". You'll find not luck but preparation,planning and success-oriented thinking. When you're prepared for opportunity your chance for success is sure to come.
The season of failure is the best time for sowing the seeds of success.

duminică, 22 mai 2011

Espressing yourself...my be a problem ?

One of the hardest things to do when you're communicating with someone is expressing yourself. How many times have you said something that just didn't come out the way you wanted it to? How many times have we said something that we really didn't mean, but we were too frustrated to stop it from being said?   
What's more, some people have a fear of expressing themselves at all. They're afraid to say something that might cost them a friendship. Or they bottle everything up tight and seize up at the mere thought of sharing their true emotions.
This can be a constant struggle for people. However, it is something that can be conquered. Every being on the planet communicates in some fashion. And the more complex the form of communication is, you will find more complex relationships as well.
Human speech is the most complicated form of communication in the world. We have so many ways to express ideas, feelings, dreams, suggestions, thoughts, intents, love, rage, desire, and so forth.
Words have the power to give life and death...especially in relationships.
So it is important that you learn to express yourself. You must learn to convey your thoughts, ideas, dreams, ambitions, hopes and emotions to those that you share a relationship with. Your inability to do so, will damage your relationships.            

 If you have a fear of people, people will avoid you. You avoid people because you fear that they will hurt you. People see your aloofness, and even think the worst, or grant your desire and leave you alone. Then you wonder why it is that no one likes you.

 When you can't open up to people, people will feel that you are unapproachable. You'll have a hard time getting close to people when you bottle everything up inside. Your relationships will all be shallow.

Your inability to express yourself will haunt you in times of trouble. You'll need help, you'll want help, but you won't seek it. You'll hide. So, no one helps you. Then you grow resentful and angry.

Another danger is that of isolation. You build walls around your emotions and people instinctively leave you alone. That might be what you wanted at first, but your life will be barren, and empty. Life is relationships. The stronger your relationships the more joy you'll have in life. No matter if it is with your mate, God, children, neighbors, co-workers, friends, relatives, or even yourself, you must learn to express yourself.

duminică, 15 mai 2011

"Nu scrii pentru ca ai ceva de spus, ci pentru ca vrei sa spui ceva" - E. Cioran

Evident ca aceasta este o replica care este caracteristica barbatului....cele mai multe dintre noi,mai niciodata nu vor sa spuna ceva, doar cateodata au ceva de spus iar intotdeauna au ceva de comentat .              

Randurile scrise de E. Cioran mi-au placut foarte mult ,erau explicatia pe care eu nu o gasisem... un mic adevar intr-o mare de minciuni...
Vreau sa spun multe lucruri si nu am curajul... sau nu gasesc cuvintele... sau nu gasesc rostul...
Vreau sa fac multe si nu am indrazneala...                                       
Poate ca nu am nimic de spus... si nu cred ca e cel mai grav lucru...
Poate prefer sa tac si sa ma fac ca nu vad sau ca nu inteleg...
Poate prefer linistea unui zgomot care nu ar rezolva nimic...
Poate totusi as avea ceva de spus... dar e mult prea personal sau mult prea subiectiv sau foarte egoist sau poate nu-i corect...
Poate ar face pe cineva sa sufere... poate ar provoca durere, zbucium sau nedumerire... regrete...
Poate am ceva de spus... in gura mare!!!... dar ce-ar spune lumea atunci???
Poate uneori imi vine sa strig adevarurile mele chiar daca nimeni nu ar fi de acord cu ele
Poate vreau sa spun ceva chiar daca nu am nimic de spus...
Si nu are legatura cu faptul ca sunt femeie, ca anii trec, ca sunt iubita sau orice...
Imi pun intrebari si caut raspunsuri...
Interpretez si dau replici taioase..
Chiar daca nu voi avea niciodata nimic deosebit de spus...
Mi-e tot mai clar ca vreau sa spun ceva!

duminică, 8 mai 2011

A cultural perspective on more than one aspect

Cultural sensitivity is the process of highlighting differences and similarities between cultures and communities. People pertaining to different backgrounds may be sensitized to the customs and behavioural patterns of other communities DESPITE differences or even OWING to differences. Differences bring a breach in the humdrum of everyday life, while psychological barriers and cultural norms need to be challenged occasionally. The human mind needs renewal via the assimilation of new knowledge and attitudes. The way we handle our social self-image or ‘face’ is one such issue. In western cultures, people tend to protect their fellowbeings’ negative face, i.e. the need to act freely, to suffer no imposition, to follow one’s planned course of events. Westerners are keen about doing what they want when they want it, thus enabling others to benefit from the same freedom of choice. Protecting the positive face, i.e. paying compliments and displaying concern is rather typical of the Middle East. Whenever we travel to Greece or Turkey, we are showered with compliments and lavished with praise. Located at the crossroads of western and eastern (Balkanian) civilizations, Romanians tend to embrace both trends. Being a good host, making your friends feel significant and valued seems to intertwine with the need to allow them to engage in whatever actions they please. Yet, the need to flatter our peers’ egos seems to prevail over the need to grant them unimpeded freedom of action. Sometimes we seem to want to force-feed our guests, to over-entertain them, to overdo attention-granting while taking them sightseeing or getting acquainted with local flavours. We boast about espousing western values, yet we cling to the old Balkanian ways of rewarding people for their good company: uttering praise, giving them useless gifts, attending to alleged needs to the point of making them feel utterly helpless. Another field where western practices overlap yet equally diverge from traditional, Balkanian practices is education. As a rule, the educational system in Romania mirrors the prevalence of the positive face needs. The teacher-student relationships focus on praise or criticism rather than on granting liberty of thought and expression. More often than not, the teacher is regarded as a figure of incontestable authority, who has answers to all questions and who is entitled to pass any evaluative judgements. Personal opinions and the ability to think independently are backgrounded, as the capacity to memorise information and to demonstrate acquired skills are better vales. ‘Good’ learners are praised, while ‘slow’ learners are the target of steady marginalization and even disdain. Given this context, democratisation of the teacher-student relationships is a recent phenomenon in Romania and is not always welcome by either teachers or …parents. Many parents regard teachers who adjust their classes to the students’ personal needs and feedback as a sign a weakness rather than a proof of flexibility. Encouragement of less promising students is equally seen as a sign of weakness or exaggerated lenience. Equality in status is not regarded as an asset but rather as the source of potential anarchy in class. Could this be the result of half a century of totalitarianism? Expecting to be sanctioned for poor or below average academic performance is widespread. Parents frequently insist that teachers should either lecture their students on the disadvantages of having poor grades or on inflicting supplementary homework on the less promising students. Although not enthusiastic about being either scolded or assigned extra tasks, students themselves seem to expect criticism and, inevitably, sanction from their teachers. Frequently enough poor academic performance used to be attributed to lack of attention in class and engagement in frivolous concerns such as movies, games and computers. Inability to focus or to perform tasks within given spans of time used to be regarded as a display of disobedience rather than disability and punished in consequence. On the other hand, having benefited from freedom to travel and to participate in international assemblies or workshops or any other form of get-together has enabled Romanians to reassess the powerful role played by praise and encouragement in the educational process. New student-centered pedagogies lay significant stress on arousing the student’s interest, guiding him/her towards specific accomplishments, and rewarding them with upcheering feedback for the smallest steps forward they take. Thus, shy or insecure students are able to increase their self-confidence and, with time, come to work in lockstep with their peers. When it comes to training in multinational environments, Romanians have managed to successfully merge the western influence with the traditional approach to teaching. In order to impose in class, the trainer needs to be a role model for the trainees. The participants only acknowledge the trainer’s role if the level of expertise is very high. The information is not taken for granted. It is questioned by the class and the presenter needs to be extremely well-prepared in order to gain the attention of the trainees. More often than not, trainees perceive themselves as a customer whose expectations need to be met, who needs to acquire knowledge while also be entertained. Given these expectations, the trainers need to permanently focus on improving their knowledge, on being true domain experts themselves and on being perceived as role models for the trainees.

marți, 12 aprilie 2011

Anger Management - BE assertive and NOT Aggressive

Yesterday  I have read an article "Overcome Anger" saying a prayer may help people feel less angry and behave less aggressively after someone has left them fuming, now research suggests . Some of the points i whant to share whit you:       

“Please learn to control your anger”, “Is this the way to react?” “Why can’t you do something to control your anger, it would lead to stress and unhappy life?” – Anger management – A very strong phrase to use for all the tantrums we receive in our day to day life, isn’t it?

Anger can be normal and healthy emotion that helps us instinctively detect and respond to a threatening situation. More than this, when it is properly channeled, it can be a powerful motivating force
However it can also be an emotion due to various reasons personally and professionally that gets out of control, leading to stress, distress, unhealthiness and unhappiness. Uncontrolled anger can seriously harm your personal and professional life, because it can become incredibly destructive – to yourself and the people around you and in a modern workplace that often demands trust and collaboration, it can cause great damage to working relationships.
Most of us would be very careful while what we say when it comes to workplace as it comes with huge penalty. However, we show the frustration and anger in our personal life.
We must learn to direct anger constructively rather than destructively. But how?
Anger is a well-developed coping mechanism that we turn to when our goals are frustrated, or when we feel threat to ourselves or to people, things and ideas we care about. It helps us react quickly and decisively in situations where there is no time for a careful, reasoned analysis of the situation. And it can motivate us to solve problems, achieve our goals, and remove threats.
Acting in anger can serve, therefore, to protect yourself or others. A positive response and constructive outcome can improve your self-esteem and self-confidence.
On the other hand, a negative response can damage relationships and lead to a loss of respect and self-respect. This is particularly the case when we react instantly and angrily to what we perceive to be a threat, but where that perception is wrong. This can leave us looking very foolish.
So we need to learn to use anger positively, where situations are not immediately life-threatening, we need to calm down and evaluate the accuracy of our perceptions before, if necessary, channeling anger in a powerful but controlled way.
Anger management, then, is the process of learning how to "calm down" and diffuse the negative emotion of anger before it gets to a destructive level.
People experience anger in many different ways and for many different reasons. What makes you angry may only mildly irritate one of your colleagues, and have little to no effect on another. This subjectivity can make anger difficult to understand and deal with; it also highlights that the response is down to you. Despite our differences in the level of anger we feel toward something, there are some universal causes of anger that include:
* Frustration of our goals.
* Hurt.
* Harassment.
* Personal attack (mental or physical) on ourselves.          
* Threat to people, things or ideas that we hold dear.
We commonly experience these potential anger triggers in our daily lives. An appropriate level of anger that is expressed correctly helps us take the right action, solve the problem that is presenting itself, or deal with the situation in a positive manner.
So when you're angry, use a helpful tool that is to calm down. One of my friends had asked me to take up Anger management, may be it was meant to be humorous but it definitely made me introspect and see how often I get angry and how I react in those times. I thought may be reading about Anger Management would help. After reading about it, I started practicing few things and it helped me a lot which I would like to share with you. Though I am still in the making phase :)
Maintain a “Log": Use it to monitor what triggers your anger and the frequency of your anger responses. When you know what makes you angry, you will be in a much better position to develop strategies to contain it or channel it effectively.
If you do, acknowledge that you have a problem managing anger: It is an observed truth that you cannot change what you don't acknowledge. So it is important to identify and accept that anger is a roadblock to your success.
Use your support network: If anger is a problem, let the important people in your life know about the changes you are trying to make. They can be a source of motivation and their support will help you when you lapse into old behavior patterns.
Use Anger Management techniques to interrupt the anger cycle
* Pause.                                                                                     
* Take deep breaths.
* Tell your self you can handle the situation.
* Stop the negative thoughts.
Use empathy: If another person is the source of your anger, try to see the situation from his or her perspective. Remind yourself to be objective and realize that everyone makes mistakes and it is through mistakes that people learn how to improve.
Laugh at yourself: Humor is often the best medicine. Learn to laugh at yourself and not take everything so seriously.
The next time you feel tempted to break the computer that you are working on, think about how silly you would look and see the humor in your inappropriate expressions of anger.
Relax: Angry people are often the ones who let the little things bother them. If you learn to calm down you will realize that there is no need to get uptight and you will have fewer angry episodes.
Build trust: Angry people can be cynical people. They believe that others are going to do something on purpose to annoy or frustrate them even before it happens. If you can build trust in people you will be less
likely to become angry with them when something does go wrong and more likely to attribute the problem to something other than a malicious intent.
Listen: Miscommunication contributes to frustrating and mistrusting situations. The better you listen to what a person is saying, the better able you will be to find a resolution that does not involve an anger response.
Be assertive: Remember, the word is assertive NOT aggressive. When you are angry it is often difficult to express yourself properly. You are too caught up in the negative emotion and your physiological symptoms (beating heart, red face) to put together solid arguments or appropriate responses. If you learn to assert yourself and let other people know your expectations, boundaries, issues, and so on, you will have much more interpersonal success.
Live each day as if it is your last: This saying may be overused, but it holds a fundamental truth. Life is short and it is much better spent positively than negatively. Realize that if you spend all your time getting angry, you will miss out on the many joys and surprises that life has to offer.
Forgive: To ensure that the changes you are making go much deeper than the surface, you need to forgive the people in your life that have angered you. It is not easy letting go of past hurts and resentments but the only way to move past your anger is to let go of these feelings and start fresh.
Even if you are not at the point where you feel your anger is a problem, it is a wise idea to familiarize yourself with the processes listed. If you do not have the tools to deal with anger correctly, it has a way of building-up over time. Before you know it, you can be in a position where anger is controlling you rather than you controlling it. Its never too late!

sâmbătă, 9 aprilie 2011

Shoppingul prelungeşte viaţa

Acum stim motivul pentru care in general femeile traiesc mai mult decat barbatii :).     

Cu cât oamenii merg mai des la cumpărături cu atât trăiesc mai mult, au constatat oamenii de ştiinţă din Taiwan, transmite Xinhua.

Potrivit unui studiu realizat de Institutul Naţional pentru Sănătate de la Taipei, rata mortalităţii în rândul persoanelor în vârstă care merg la cumpărături o dată sau de mai multe ori pe săptămână este cu 27% mai scăzută decât în rândul celor cărora nu le place să meargă la cumpărături.
“Studiul a schimbat stereotipurile despre shopping”, subliniază autorii, indicând că au constatat un efect pozitiv al mersului la cumpărături mai mult printre bărbaţi decât printre femei.
Rata mortalităţii printre bărbaţii pasionaţi de shopping este cu 28% mai mică faţă de cei care merg o dată-de două ori pe lună la cumpărături, acest indice fiind de 23% în cazul femeilor.
Cu toate acestea, după cum menţionează experţii, oamenii de ştiinţă taiwanezi nu au putut să explice în ce mod shoppingul prelungeşte viaţa. Unii dintre ei cred că nivelul scăzut de mortalitate printre cei cărora le place “să alerge prin centrele comerciale” se poate explică prin natura şi compartamentul lor energic. În orice caz, “shoppingul aduce aceleaşi beneficii ca şi gimnastica de dimineaţă”, au căzut de acord experţii.

sâmbătă, 26 martie 2011

Promovarea incepe din prima zi de munca

Poti visa la o promovare inca din prima zi de munca. Intentia de a obtine o promovare nu apare si nu dispare la un moment dat, ci reprezinta o munca si o ambitie permanenta. Pentru ca in momentul in care speri la o promovare, ai de fapt pretentii de la tine si de la cariera pe care vrei sa o ai. Iar efortul este pe masura.

Incercarea de a obtine o promovare se desfasoara pe o perioada mare de timp. Mai bine zis, poti spera la o promovare inca din momentul in care esti angajat. Totul tine de tine, de munca si daruirea ta.
Sa amintim cateva elemente fara de care o promovare nu ar fi posibila:     
Pasiunea, culmea, o voi pune inainte de munca. Aceasta deoarece in momentul in care iti place ceea ce faci, automat munca ta este mult mai calitativa si mai productiva. Astfel, intre un angajat pasionat de ceea ce face si unul care munceste din greu, cel dintai va fi preferat in momentul oferirii unei promovari. Asa ca ai grija ce domeniu iti alegi. Ce preferi? Sa alegi un domeniu care nu iti place si cu care te chinui sau unul de care esti pasionata si in care te descurci foarte usor?
Munca si seriozitate
Ei, asta nu mai suna chiar atat de prietenos si atractiv. Insa daca vrei sa iesi in evidenta in mod pozitiv, trebuie sa muncesti si sa ai o anumita seriozitate in profesie. In sensul ca, in momentul in care spui ca vei indeplini o anumita sarcina, sa o faci. Si asta in timp util. Munca ta nu va trece neobservata.
Util, apoi indispensabil...
O persoana care munceste cu spor si daruire, care face si munca multa si la termen... Ce ar mai trebui? A, da... O oarecare perseverenta, care te va ajuta, odata cu trecerea timpului sa fii vazut ca un angajat util, iar mai apoi chiar indispensabil. Crezi ca e greu?
Un angajat care isi face bine si foarte bine treaba va fi fara indoiala apreciat, va primi si mariri de salariu... Insa in momentul in care el ramane la acelasi stadiu, se ajunge la o oarecare stagnare, care va fi inregistrata de angajator. Astfel, te poti mira de ce ramai pe acelasi post mult si bine, desi ai atatea calitati si muncesti atat de mult!...
Afla ca nu este de ajuns. Incearca sa vii cu propuneri, cu idei bune si foarte bune, nu te teme sa iti impui punctul de vedere, sa iti dai cu parerea in sfera profesionala si sa fii mereu la curent cu nevoile din interiorul firmei. In situatii de criza, un ajutor real nu va trece neobservat...
Sociabil si diplomat
Revin iarasi la omul care munceste enorm si care totusi nu intelege de ce nu este promovat. Pai mai avem o surpriza pentru el. Daca el prefera doar sa stea sa munceasca enorm, in ideea de a-si face datoria, astfel incat nu mai are timp si chef sa socializeze sau sa isi cunoasca mai de aproape colegii, munca lui e in zadar in mare parte. Sau cel mult stadiul lui ramane acelasi in ierarhia firmei.
Care este scopul unei bune relationari cu restul colegilor? Nu trebuie sa uiti ca ai in jurul tau oameni, chiar daca munca este enorma. O legatura stransa sau macar cordiala nu se poate forma daca nu te-a interesat niciodata ce fel se simte intr-un anumit moment colegul de la biroul de alaturi.
Mai mult, daca iti doresti o promovare, de cele mai multe ori o functie de conducere, gandeste-te ca va trebui sa coordonezi oameni si nu masinarii. Iar daca iti vei dori ca productivitatea sa fie maxima, va trebui sa stii cum sa ii abordezi atunci cand le ceri sa indeplineasca o anumita sarcina.
Colegi de munca sau prieteni?
Unora li se poate parea ciudat, insa ar fi ideal sa socializezi cu colegii si in afara orelor de lucru. Iesiti impreuna la o bere, distrati-va in gasca si vei fi mirat cat de prietenosi si de "umani" pot fi acei oameni mereu rigizi si seriosi la locul de munca.
Iar daca tu vei fi cel care va da tonul, vei deveni un fel de lider de grup care va invata incet incet cum sa lucreze cu oamenii. Pentru ca este o adevarata provocare...    
O permanenta formare
Chiar daca ai obtinut functia dorita, gandeste-te ca oricand poti mai mult de atat. Totul depinde de tine. Si nu ma refer neaparat la o marire de salariu, ci mai ales la o permanenta evolutie in cariera. Pentru ca intr-adevar, cariera reprezinta o scara cu multiple trepte. Tine de tine si de ambitia ta sa urci din ce in ce mai sus. Iar satisfactiile nu vor fi numai financiare, ci mai ales personale.